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The third session of the 17th Houma People's Congress was successfully concluded

2023-03-30 Source: Houma City Media Center

On March 29, the third session of the 17th People's Congress of Houma City held its fourth plenary meeting, successfully completing the agenda, and the conference was successfully closed。

Executive Chairmen Wu Yong, Qin Haiyu, Xue Junmiao, Sun Huimin, Zhang Aijun and Ma Jinmin were seated in the front row of the rodeo。Qin Haiyu, Executive Chairman of the conference, presided over the meeting。

Yin Mingxing, Chen Yangang, Hao Aimin, Li Junsheng, Guo Jianwei, Guo Lihua, Liu Aiguo, An Wei, Tian Wei, Jin Jiaqi, Suo Haibin, Zhang Chunsheng, Liang Xiaojie, Hao Wensheng, Li Jingjing, Li Linhong, Feng Hui, Zhang Kai and Ma Xingmin, who retired from his leadership post, were seated on the rostrum。

There should be 185 representatives at the meeting, but the actual number of representatives is 171, which meets the quorum。

The meeting voted to pass the proposal review report, the resolution on the work report of the municipal government, the resolution on the implementation of the 2022 national economic and social development plan of Houma City and the draft report on the 2023 National economic and social development plan, the resolution on the implementation of the 2022 financial budget of Houma City and the draft report on the 2023 financial budget of Houma City, and the resolution on the People's Republic of Houma CityTable Resolutions on the work report of the Standing Committee of the General Assembly, resolutions on the work report of the Houma People's Court, and resolutions on the work report of the Houma People's Procuratorate。

Wu Yong, secretary of the CPC Municipal Committee, congratulated on the success of the congress on behalf of the CPC Houma Municipal Committee。He points out,This meeting,We will thoroughly implement the guiding principles of the Party's 20 National Congresses,Conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements of the central, provincial and Linfen Municipal committees,Comprehensively implement the spirit of the Municipal economic work conference,Is a heartfelt embrace of the "two certainties",Loyal practice of the "two maintenance" of the assembly,It is also a conference to test the effectiveness of Houma's development and guide the future direction。During the meeting, all the delegates carried out their solemn missions, performed their sacred duties, and discussed development plans together, showing full political enthusiasm, a strong sense of mission, and a high spirit。This conference is a conference to promote democracy, build consensus, is a united and inspiring conference, will inspire the city's 300,000 people with more firm confidence, more high morale, more vigorous spirit, stride towards a new journey of Houma modernization。

Wu Yong pointed out in his speech that the past year is an important milestone in the history of the Party and the country, and it is also an extraordinary year in the development of Houma。In the past year,We hold up the banner,Bear in mind the heavy trust,Unite and lead the city's party members, cadres and masses,It focuses on the major requirements of "preventing the epidemic, stabilizing the economy, and ensuring safe development.,Scientific grasp of the overall situation,Actively cope with the major exam,We will firmly implement the "1236" development approach,Concentrate on Houma's business,New progress and achievements have been made in various undertakings,Handed over a difficult, but not easy endeavour answer。In the past year,The municipal People's Congress and its Standing Committee revolve around the center,Serve the overall situation,Act as,Political positions have a high altitude,We are strong in promoting development,Serving the masses has temperature,Deputies are enthusiastic about performing their duties,Supervision has been effective and promising,The appointment and removal of personnel are orderly and in accordance with the law,Solid progress was made in the work of deputies,Self-improvement continued to strengthen,It has played an irreplaceable and important role in promoting economic and social development and building democracy and the rule of law,The Municipal Party Committee is positive and satisfied with the work of the 17th Municipal People's Congress and its Standing Committee。Wu Yong represented the municipal Party Committee,In the past year, for the development of Houma's cause, for the modernization of Houma, for the happiness of Houma's people,Loyal, united and hard work of the city's 17th People's Congress leadership collective,Over the past year, I have always cared about Houma, loved Houma, and built Houma,For Houma reform and development and career progress,All representatives who faithfully perform their duties and work hard,Express my heartfelt thanks!Support people from all walks of life who care about Houma's development,Express heartfelt thanks and high respect to the city's 300,000 people!

Wu Yong pointed out that this year, we keep in mind the entrust, Thanksgiving and forge ahead, highlighting the Houma background of the core of loyalty。We persist in studying, propagating and implementing the spirit of the Party's 20 National Congresses as the general outline of all our work,A deep understanding of the decisive significance of "two establishment",Gather the heart with political power, cast the soul with ideological power, and lead with practical power,Promote the central, provincial and Linfen municipal Party committees to make major decisions and deployments in Houma,Practice the "two maintenance" with practical actions and remarkable results。

This year, we anchored the goal, faced the difficulties, and answered the Houma exam of high-quality development。Faced with severe and complex domestic and international environment,We anchor the south of Shanxi regional central city construction goal unwavering,Adhere to the "two-wheel drive" of urban construction and industrial upgrading,We will accelerate our efforts to promote high-quality development without slackening,The strength of the "5+N" 10 billion "chain master" enterprises has been enhanced,"Seven industrial clusters" gather momentum,The foundation of the modern industrial system has been consolidated。Xintian Road and the area's upgrading and reconstruction project have rebuilt Houma's new advantages in development, and the growth rate of the city's six main economic indicators is higher than the average level of Linfen, and the main economic indicators rank the first square array of nine counties with high quality。Houma's "stable" foundation has been continuously consolidated, and the "advance" trend has become stronger。

This year, we have united as one, united as one, and demonstrated Houma's responsibility in fighting the epidemic。Facing the epidemic test,We highlight the "people first, life first",12 special squad leaders flat dispatch, field command,Sixty-two officials at the deputy county level are on duty,5,932 Party members and officials are on the frontline of epidemic prevention day and night,Effectively and prudently handle the impact of multiple epidemics,Have firmly held the position of epidemic prevention and control Houma。

This year, we held the bottom line, implemented responsibilities, and built a strong Houma defense line for safe development。We adhered to the two major priorities of development and security, always gave top priority to maintaining political security, and successfully completed the Party's 20 major security and stability tasks。We further promoted the three-year campaign to improve production safety, continued to make good use of the "one map, one account and four lists" mechanism, and continued to improve the level of essential safety。Properly promote agricultural and commercial insurance, resolutely hold the bottom line of no financial risks, and the city's production safety and social stability continue to improve。

This year, we keep in mind the original intention, practice the mission, and write a chapter of Houma's people's happiness。We will ensure that education, health care, employment, elderly care, social security and other practical and good things affect the people's real interests。Start the construction of "three schools and five parks" to further optimize the city's education development pattern;Continuous improvement of the ecological environment, the city's ambient air quality improved 10.1%, ranked Linfen second, Pingchuan County first;Rural revitalization has been comprehensively promoted, and the collective economic income of all 68 villages in the city has reached more than 100,000 yuan, the per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents has steadily increased, and the people's sense of gain, happiness and security has steadily increased。

Same period: Wu Yong, Party secretary

Fellow Deputies, Comrades,At present, the development of Houma has stood at a new starting point, the construction of southern Shanxi regional central city, the layout has been completed, vigorous forward, the future can be expected;Accelerating the promotion of high-quality development, comprehensive quality and speed up, just the right time, is meeting its trend, and the momentum is strong。In the tide of striving for economic development, we must "seek progress in stability", and economic development must enter the forefront of the first square of high-quality counties and cities in Linfen;In this competitive pattern, we must "ride the tide" and rank among the top 50 county economies in the province。The whole city should effectively unify the thinking and action to the decision-making and deployment requirements of the municipal Party committee, the word "dry", hard work first, and strive to ensure "steady progress and seize the momentum" in the real work, and strive to write a wonderful chapter of Chinese-style modernization。

Wu Yong stressed that the whole city should earnestly implement the spirit of the meeting, and always seek development, promote transformation, and implement with a high degree of confidence, high morale, and hard work。First, we must raise the flag, maintain our concentration, and strengthen the political responsibility of doing solid work in "seeking progress in stability and riding the momentum"。The whole city should firm the political direction, keep in mind the leader's entrust, do solid work with a strong political responsibility, and fully shoulder the historical responsibility of high-quality development of Houma。We need to strengthen political resolve,Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era will continue to solidify the heart and forge the soul,全面学习、全面把握、全面落实党的二十大精神、习近平总书记考察调研山西重要讲话重要指示精神,A deeper understanding of the decisive significance of "two certainties",Continue to enhance the "four consciousness", firm "four self-confidence", and achieve "two maintenance"。要把旗帜鲜明讲政治贯穿履职尽责全过程,不断提高政治判断力、政治领悟力、政治执行力,始终在思想上政治上行动上同以习近平同志为核心的党中央保持高度一致。To enhance strategic focus, standing at a new starting point, we must adhere to the "1236" development idea, draw a blueprint to the end, step by step, one step a year, and strive to build the southern Shanxi regional central city as soon as possible。To strengthen the solid work, the whole city should grasp the overall situation, strengthen confidence and determination, enhance the solid work, strive to be the implementer, the action group, the hard worker, based on the larger pattern, shoulder the greater responsibility, and work out the update weather, and jointly write the Chinese-style modernization Houma chapter。Second, we must grasp the overall situation, break through the key points, and create a solid Houma speed in "seeking progress in stability and riding the momentum"。We must strengthen the sense of striving,We must further strengthen the sense of responsibility and urgency that "slow progress is retreat, and no progress is retreat",Go all out to fight the economy, fight the project, fight the drive,We must further strengthen the consciousness of "competing", the concept of "rushing" and the vigor of "doing",Dare to race with the fast, compete with the strong, climb high,We are forging new paths where there is no precedent,Set benchmarks in the "commonly done" area,Break new ground in "difficult" areas,To strive for the spirit to promote high-quality development, comprehensive quality and speed up。Focus on the key points,Firm direction of attack,Work together with one heart and one mind,Focus on strengthening the "5+N" 10 billion enterprise camp, creating "seven industrial clusters", and building professional towns with characteristics,Encourage, guide and support "chain master" enterprises to build chain extension chain supplement chain strong chain,Vigorously build a modern industrial system,Build a "new engine" for high-quality development。We must pay close attention to the first support,Sing the theme of "Project construction Year",Strive to be the promoter of "Project construction year",Big grasp project, big project, big project,Play a combination of measures to attract investment,Blow the project construction "vanguard",Landing acceleration,For the city's economic and social development to accumulate momentum, add momentum。We will strengthen environmental protection,Create a strong atmosphere of "everyone is a business environment and everyone is Houma image" in the city,We will create a business environment in which there are no alternatives,We will strive to promote the full implementation of the "five packages",Let Houma become a hot place for entrepreneurs to start their own businesses,Strive to create a "new high ground" for business environment,Promote the city's economic and social development to be stable and long-term。It is necessary to clarify the main grasp, highlight the two grips of the "chain length system" and the professional town, and promote the overall quality and speed of the city's high-quality development。It is necessary to seek practical results in the "chain length system",Through the establishment of the "government + chain master enterprise + industrial park" development model,Leadership package,Special class promotion,We will promote the coupling of industrial chain, innovation chain, supply chain, factor chain and policy chain,Achieve "one enterprise with one chain.,A chain becomes a piece ";We're gonna do something on Pro Town,By integrating resources,Strengthen overall planning,Highlight the creation of military-civilian integration, traditional Chinese medicine health care, auto parts "three professional towns",Call Houma characteristic industry development brand。We need to strengthen the promotion mechanism,Establish a command dispatching mechanism,The deputy county leader is in charge,Divisional headquarters set up,To promote the construction of key projects by the general dispatch of the headquarters;Establish a mechanism for promoting specialized classes,A project, a special class, to the end;Establish a checklist implementation mechanism,Make a to-do list, a progress list, a problem list, and a responsibility list,Promote project construction to improve quality and speed with ledger and inventory mode;Establish a regular working mechanism,Adhere to the daily scheduling, weekly summary, monthly summary, quarterly assessment system,To achieve the week to protect ten days, to protect the month, to protect the month season, to protect the year,Through the establishment and improvement of a series of institutional mechanisms,Ensure that the construction of key projects has a list, special classes have responsibility, officials have pressure, departments work together, and assessment results。Third, we must care about the people, practice the purpose, and highlight the feelings of doing solid work for the people in "seeking progress in stability and riding the momentum"。Temper your original heart with your true colors,Adhere to the principle that NPC deputies are the people,Deputies to the people's Congress have the advantage of having close ties with the people and knowing the facts at the grassroots level,Actively go deep into reality, deep into the front line, deep into the grassroots,Know what the crowd is thinking,Grasp the expectations of the masses,Pass on the superior spirit in time,Bring up social conditions and public opinions,The municipal party committee's decision-making is more in line with reality and more in line with public opinion,Better unify the thoughts and actions of the people of the city to the decision-making and deployment of the municipal Party Committee,Condense to the goal of building the central city of South Shanxi region,In the land of Xintian gathered together to promote high-quality development of comprehensive quality and speed up the great power。We will use tangible results to warm the people's livelihood,Focus on "one old, one young and one young" and other key groups,We will focus on education, employment, elderly care, medical care and other important areas of people's livelihood,Concentrate on the construction of key livelihood projects such as the "three schools and five parks", the "eight major projects" of urban renewal, and the construction of beautiful villages,We will accelerate the improvement of rural medical service capacity,We will do a solid job in key and difficult areas such as ecological and environmental protection, work safety, stability of petitions and visits, and safety construction,We will do things that the people are concerned about, do things that the people are satisfied with, and do things that benefit the people,Exchange the "hardship index" of our Party members, cadres and deputies to the people's Congress for the "happiness index" of the people。Use responsibility to demonstrate your mission,Adhere to the people-centered as the foundation for establishing oneself, the basis for performing one's duties, and the essential part of fulfilling one's responsibilities,We will carry out investigations and research on issues that the people strongly express,We will carry out inspections and supervision on projects concerning people's livelihood and practical matters concerning people's livelihood,Focus on the urgent problems of the people and carry out services for the people,We will bring more livelihood issues of public concern and the aspirations of the people onto the agenda of the NPC,Use emotion to make up for the deficiencies of people's livelihood,Make development achievements more "warm" and benefit the people's answers more "thick"。Fourth, we must be down-to-earth, good at doing good, and temper the work style of real and solid work in "seeking progress in stability and riding the momentum"。Have the courage to take on things, always bear in mind that there is responsibility on the shoulder and in the heart, maintain the spirit of responsibility of "everything immediately, everyone nails, everyone dares to take on", in the responsibility, the courage to bear hardships, the courage to bear difficulties, the courage to bear heavy, the courage to take risks, in doing difficult things, training skills, to achieve self-value。In terms of implementation, for the decision-making and deployment of the Municipal Party Committee, for the work tasks determined by this conference, maintain the tenacity of "insisting on the mountain peak and not relaxing" and the energy of "not giving up until the goal is reached", and strive for effectiveness。In practice,Continuously strengthen the efficiency consciousness of "minute and second can not afford to wait, can not sit at all times, and can not be slow everywhere.,"Take an early step" for urgent matters such as industrial transformation, project construction, investment promotion and so on.,"Take a quick step forward" on essential tasks such as urban renewal, rural revitalization, and improving people's livelihood,"Take a step first" in upholding the bottom line of ecological governance, production safety, social stability, etc.,We will accelerate the implementation of all work and see the root causes and results。We should be good at doing things and practice the basic skills of investigation and research。Conscientiously implement the Work Plan of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee on Promoting Investigation and Research Throughout the Party,The major research task of "12+N" deployed by Secretary LAN Fuan of the Provincial Party Committee in the special seminar of provincial management cadres,Combined with the city center work,Dive down, walk to the line, walk into the crowd,Consult the people and ask the people what they need,Listen to the truth, feel the truth, and take practical measures,From the masses, we will find measures to solve difficult problems, find ways to innovate and develop, and find ways to promote our work,Down to earth,Do well and do well,We will take greater steps to accelerate the high-quality development of our city。Be able to accomplish things,According to the requirements of Linfen Municipal Committee,We will accelerate the establishment and improvement of the list management and weekly reporting systems,Establish a system of leading and delegating work, urging work, and supervising key issues,Establish coordination and cooperation systems such as regular dispatch and special shift command system,Establish fault tolerance and correction systems, track performance, reward and punishment assessment systems,Solve the series of problems such as "what", "who will do" and "how to do",Build a closed-loop management mechanism for implementation,To ensure that the goals set by the municipal Party Committee to the end, grasp the effectiveness,The strongest sound of Houma's high-quality development with real hard work。

Wu Yong stressed that the work of the NPC is an important part of the cause of the Party and the country。The Municipal Party Committee will, as always, attach great importance to and fully support the work of the People's Congress, effectively strengthen the Party's leadership over the work of the People's Congress, and create good conditions for the People's Congress to perform its duties。Party committees at all levels in the city should put the work of the People's Congress in an important position, improve the system for the Party to lead the work of the People's Congress, regularly listen to reports on the work of the People's Congress, study and solve major problems in the work of the People's Congress, and actively create a good atmosphere to support the work of the People's Congress。The municipal People's Congress and its Standing Committee should focus on the center and serve the overall situation, strengthen the consciousness of "doing", enhance the ability of "being able", create "promising" achievements, and create a new situation in the work of the People's Congress in the new era。The "One People's Government, one Commission, and two chambers" must consciously accept the oversight of the People's Congress and its Standing Committee, and constantly improve the level of law-based administration, law-based supervision, and fair administration of justice。All deputies to the National People's Congress should immediately publicize the spirit of this Congress to the masses around them, and act as a bridge between the municipal Party committee and the municipal government and the masses。同时,We should cherish the trust of the Party and the people,Model compliance with the Constitution and laws,Perform statutory duties in accordance with the law,Comprehensively improve professional quality,Listen to the voices of the people, collect their opinions, and reflect their wishes,Strive to be the leading goose, vanguard and forerunner in promoting high-quality development and comprehensively improving quality and speeding up,Truly speaking for the people, performing their duties for the people, and being responsible to the people。

Wu Yong stressed that although the road is far, the line is coming;Hard as it is, it will be done。让我们更加紧密地团结在以习近平同志为核心的党中央周围,坚定信心,勇毅前行,稳中求进,乘势而上,推动高质量发展全面提质提速,奋力谱写中国式现代化建设的侯马篇章!

The conference ended triumphantly with the solemn national anthem。(Voa reports)


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